Cycling & Art
As well as creating art I spend a great deal of my spare time cycling and I often get my inspiration whilst out riding.
I have been lucky enough to have ridden in some amazing places and seen some brilliant landscapes. I have tried to recreate these in some of my paintings.

I have been lucky enough to have ridden in some amazing places and seen some brilliant landscapes. I have tried to recreate these in some of my paintings.
Self-portrait: A Tough Ride

I have been riding bicycles for as long as I can remember, probably longer that I have been creating art. I used to ride to school and still commute every working day of the year, a journey of 10 miles each way.
I also usually manage a longer ride on the weekend on the rolling hills around Bristol and Bath in the UK.
In 2011 whilst the nation watched William and Kate tying the knot, me and a couple of friends were rolling into John O'Groats after riding 880 miles in 8 days.

When time permits I take my trusted bike overseas and have been able to ride over some awesome scenery. The mountains of the French Pyrenees or the Alps are a favourite destination, although those hills seem to get harder and harder!

In 2016 I rode as part of a group from coast to coast across the USA. We managed close to 3,000 miles over 3 weeks of riding. One day in Oklahoma being cancelled due to severe thunderstorms and tornado's! Totally awesome.

On one occasion me and another rider found ourselves racing one of the huge American freight trains. It took us several miles to catch and pass the train, but we did it. It was a memorable experience and I painted this piece on my return.

I still continue to ride and I'm always planning my next adventure. Where to next? Norway, Iceland.....

I also usually manage a longer ride on the weekend on the rolling hills around Bristol and Bath in the UK.
In 2011 whilst the nation watched William and Kate tying the knot, me and a couple of friends were rolling into John O'Groats after riding 880 miles in 8 days.

Riding on LEJOG
When time permits I take my trusted bike overseas and have been able to ride over some awesome scenery. The mountains of the French Pyrenees or the Alps are a favourite destination, although those hills seem to get harder and harder!
On top of the Tourmalet
In 2016 I rode as part of a group from coast to coast across the USA. We managed close to 3,000 miles over 3 weeks of riding. One day in Oklahoma being cancelled due to severe thunderstorms and tornado's! Totally awesome.

Riding through Texas
On one occasion me and another rider found ourselves racing one of the huge American freight trains. It took us several miles to catch and pass the train, but we did it. It was a memorable experience and I painted this piece on my return.
Train Race USA
I still continue to ride and I'm always planning my next adventure. Where to next? Norway, Iceland.....
